Customize Clear


Permissioned Clear provides additional customization and integration options for your platform. This page covers some key differences between Clear and Permissioned Clear so that you can decide which choice is right for your platform.

Client-IP and WePay-Risk-Token are required on the endpoints mentioned in Clear's Get Started in addition to:

Compare Integrations

Before you dive into the integration itself, it's worthwhile to understand the different flavors of integrating the Clear API. The table below outlines what you build from scratch vs. what you rely on from our latest customizable experiences.

Permissioned Clear optionsClear
Merchant OnboardingOnboard Merchants

Your User Interface + calling /legal_entities and /accounts
Merchant Center
Merchant PayoutsPayout Merchants

Your User Interface + calling /payout_methods and /payouts
Through Merchant Center
Subscribe to NotificationsSetup Platform

Build Email FlowSetup Platform & Onboard Merchants

Customize Integrations

Not required, but customizable
Merchant SupportManage Payment Operations

Your User Interface + calling /disputes, /refunds, /recoveries, and /adjustments
Through Merchant Center
Payment ProcessingProcess Payments

Your User Interface (or our iFrame)