Onboarding As A Service


Sell With Approval Only: Work with your integration team or technical account manager (TAM) at WePay to determine whether this offering is appropriate for your platform.

Currently, onboarding submerchants as a Full Liability Submitter with Chase Merchant Services requires a manual process using multiple forms and email.

With our Onboarding As A Service offering, you'll leverage onboarding APIs to provide submerchant details and documents directly to Chase Merchant Services, dramatically reducing the effort and time involved in submerchant onboarding. Onboarding As A Service offers:

  • Instant response and validation
  • AML/KYC verifications
  • Instant MID provisioning
  • Asynchronous communication to support rare cases where more submerchant information is required

At a high level, you'll integrate the onboarding subset of our Clear APIs to send merchant data to WePay. We will validate and verify merchant data, and respond with a provisional MID immediately and simultaneously forward it to Chase Merchant Services to activate the MID. Once the MID has been processed by Chase Merchant Services, we will provide a notification event containing the MID's activation status.

SubmerchantFull Liability SubmitterWePaySign up on Partner Center to receive API credentialsSubscribe to recommended notificationsSubmerchant enters the required information through FLS' platformPOST /legal_entities{legal_entity_object}POST /payout_methods{payout_methods_object}POST /account{account_object} with MID in pending stateListen to notifications on accounts.capabilities.updated and legal_entities.verifications.updated topic to handle errant fieldsCheck for errant fieldsFulfill errant fieldsNotification event on account.capabilities.updated topic for the MID statusCommunicate with merchant appropriatelySubmerchantFull Liability SubmitterWePay

Step 1: Get API Credentials

First, register your platform following the directions found here.

Next, be sure to use API version v3.1 in the Version header parameter for your requests to the following endpoints. Access the API reference for v3.1 here.

Step 2: Subscribe to Notifications

WePay API Notifications are webhooks sent by our system to you, the platform. Notifications will enable you to understand a submerchant's onboarding progression. For example, a notification will update you about a submerchant's entered KYC data, and whether more information needs to be supplied. Finally, you'll be notified if a submerchant ID (MID) is activated via notifications.

Find out how our API Notifications work here. Be sure to follow the minimum required subscriptions:
  • accounts.capabilities.updated -- This API Notification will alert you to:
    • any change in MID status
    • errant fields on the Account, and some Legal Entity attributes
  • legal_entities.verifications.updated -- This API Notification will alert you to:
    • requests from us for merchant identity verification documents
    • errant fields on the Legal Entity

Subscribe to these recommended notifications in order to listen for asynchronous responses:

  • accounts.created
  • accounts.updated
  • legal_entities.created

Validate Notifications

Use Notification Signatures to validate that API Notifications have been sent from us, and not a malicious actor.