Listen For MID Assignment

 In this section, you will learn how to identify an assigned MID when the accounts.capabilities.updated API Notification is received and where the payload parameter transaction_division_setup.enabled is set to true.

Account Capabilities represent the status of MID assignment to the WePay Account ID. CMS will process the data provided on the WePay Legal Entity and Account. Upon making the GET /accounts/{id}/capabilities request (or receiving an API Notification for the accounts.capabilities.updated topic), the transaction_division_setup.current_issues object will contain an array of issues on the Account which you must resolve before a MID can be assigned.

Find the list of possible issues for Account Capabilities here.

This example MID-assignment status reflects a submerchant where the MID has not been assigned yet:

 "transaction_division_setup": {
   "enabled": false,
   "current_issues": [{
     "issue_type": "pending_transaction_division_setup",
     "target": {
       "id": "{wepay-account-ID}",
       "resource": "accounts",
       "path": "/accounts/{wepay-account-id}"
   "upcoming_issues": {}
 "id": null,
 "resource": "capabilities",
 "path": "/accounts/{wepay-account-id}/capabilities",
 "owner": {
   "id": "{wepay-account-id}",
   "resource": "accounts",
   "path": "/accounts/{wepay-account-id}"
 "api_version": "3.1"
Once a MID is assigned to an Account, an API Notification for the account.capabilities.updated topic will be sent where the payload parameter transaction_division_setup.enabled is set to true:
 "transaction_division_setup": {
   "enabled": true,
   "current_issues": [],
   "upcoming_issues": {}
 "id": null,
 "resource": "capabilities",
 "path": "/accounts/{wepay-account-id}/capabilities",
 "owner": {
   "id": "{wepay-account-id}",
   "resource": "accounts",
   "path": "/accounts/{wepay-account-id}"
 "api_version": "3.1"

If the submerchant's MID is not assigned in 24-48 hours:

  1. Check if the merchant is verified: Look for a legal_entities.verifications.updated API Notification with any requests for additional documentation; this may be why a MID has not yet been assigned.
  2. If there are no additional document requests and no errant fields, please contact us for troubleshooting assistance. Note that following the required fields and documents guidance provided in this article should avoid errant fields, so this would most likely not be the issue. This scenario should be considered an edge case.