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WePay's Link API deals with money movement. It's not ideal to test outside of staging, as each transaction will be reviewed by risk, and will be charged to your platform. As such, this page will help you figure out what and how to test.

Magic Behavior

Staging lets you charge Credit Cards and bank accounts, without actually capturing funds. If you want to begin testing in a production environment (or test in stage without using actual Credit Cards), we offer Magic Headers and Magic Values.

Magic Headers are key/value pairs that you place in your headers for your API requests. Magic Headers simply simulate real life responses, and ignore any information you add to API requests, like request bodies.

In order to use Magic Headers, simply add the following key to the headers of a request:

  • "WePay-Magic-Behavior"

With the appropriate value found here, depending on the specific user flow being tested.

Magic Values are values used inside POST requests to simulate API behavior, such as seeing a failure use case when attempting to create a payment.

Test Onboarding

  • Test the Direct Referral onboarding flow end-to-end
  • If applicable, test both Customer Referral onboarding flows end-to-end

Test Payments

  • Test payment method tokenization
  • Test credit card iframes
  • Test payment creation with a payment method
  • Test ACH payments
  • Test capturing an authorized payment

Test Payment Operations

  • Test refunds
  • Test canceling an authorized payment
  • Test adjustment notifications
  • Test dispute notifications

Test Notifications

Notifications are Webhooks passed to you in real time. When you test other API calls, make sure to register for Notifications. If you need area to receive Webhooks outside your own server, use a tool like: https://requestbin.fullcontact.com/.

When you register your callback_uri, simply use a URL generated by the tool above. Then, make calls to the API, and trigger notifications.

Find notification testing paths here.


  • Does your integration comply with card network rules?
  • Does your integration comply with WePay's legal requirements?
  • PCI scope: are you adequately prepared to handle your PCI scope?
    • Use our PCI compliance guide to determine the requirements specific to your integration.
    • Submit your PCI Attestation of Compliance.
  • Does your integration comply with WePay's Risk requirements?