Standard Headers


Use these request headers to create API calls. Some calls may override the headers. These fields are generated when you register in the Partner Center. Most API calls require the headers on this page. If a call requires a different or additional header, it will be documented with that specific call.

App-IdYesStringThe app ID assigned to your platform in the Partner Center.
App-TokenYesStringThe app token generated in the Partner Center.
Api-VersionYesStringThe API version your platform is using.
Unique-KeyNo*StringThis value allows your platform to safely retry requests and prevent processing the same request twice. Note: While this header is optional for most calls, the POST /payments and POST /refunds calls require a unique key.
User-AgentNo*StringThe software agent acting on behalf of a user. Note: If your platform is using the SDKs, or a tool like Postman to send requests, user agents are implicitly sent. However, you must provide a user agent in cases where user agent isn't implicitly sent.
Client-IPNo*StringThe original IP address of the end-user triggering the assocaited WePay API call from your UI. Note: This is only required when the WePay JS is not being used to tokenize sensitive information. See our guide on API Headers and our Risk Certification for more information.
WePay-Risk-TokenNo*StringThe Risk Token returned from the WePay JS when the JS is not being used for tokenization. Note: This is only required when the WePay JS is not being used to tokenize sensitive information. See our guide on API Headers and our Risk Certification for more information.


curl -X (Method) \
 (Path) \
 -H "App-Id: 121212" \
 -H "App-Token: prod_MTAwXzk5OWIwZT666LWYwNWItNDU4MS1iZjBiL" \
 -H "Api-Version: 3.0" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Unique-Key: 5d92af09-82d1-4e55-9337-163114d03c13" \
-H "Client-IP:" \
-H "WePay-Risk-Token: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000" \