The GET /orders/{id} call allows your platform to look up a single order. Orders identify both the merchant and payer, and describe items sold, shipment date, prices, delivery details, and payment terms.
{- "alternate_tax_amount": 35,
- "alternate_tax_id": "11",
- "buyer": {
- "id": "1490656130",
- "path": "/legal_entities/1490656130",
- "resource": "legal_entities"
}, - "create_time": 1390656130,
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- "delivery_type": "point_of_sale",
- "discount_amount": 0,
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- "grand_total_amount": 1000,
- "id": "f48cd8e6-e802-4500-a0f9-3ab6228c6f23",
- "line_items": [
- {
- "commodity_code": "ABC123",
- "currency": "USD",
- "description": "Classic Iron Anvil",
- "discount_amount": 0,
- "discount_indicator": null,
- "gross_net_indicator": null,
- "item": {
- "create_time": 1390656130,
- "description": "Classic Iron Anvil",
- "id": "1",
- "owner": {
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- "resource": "accounts"
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- "photos": [ ],
- "price": 490,
- "product_code": "XYZ321",
- "product_details": {
- "band": "nike"
}, - "product_name": "Acme Anvil - 100 Lb",
- "reference_number": "abc_123456",
- "resource": "items",
- "shipping_options": [
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- "weight": {
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- "tax_amount": 5,
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- "total_amount": 500,
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- "unit_price": 490
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- "currency": "USD",
- "description": "Classic Catapult",
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- "item": {
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- "description": "Classic Catapult",
- "id": "2",
- "owner": {
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- "price": 490,
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- "product_name": "Acme Catapult",
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- "shipping_options": [
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- "weight": {
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- "weight": 1
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- "tax_amount": 5,
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- "total_amount": 500,
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- "notes": "urgent order",
- "owner": {
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- "reference_number": "invoice #54321",
- "resource": "orders",
- "service_address": {
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "country": "US",
- "line1": "123 Fake Street",
- "postal_code": "94101",
- "region": "CA"
}, - "ship_from_address": {
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "country": "US",
- "line1": "123 Fake Street",
- "postal_code": "94101",
- "region": "CA"
}, - "ship_to_address": {
- "city": "San Francisco",
- "country": "US",
- "line1": "123 Fake Street",
- "postal_code": "94101",
- "region": "CA"
}, - "shipping_status": {
- "actual_delivery_time": null,
- "carrier": "UPS",
- "expected_delivery_time": 1490656130,
- "shipping_time": 1390656130,
- "tracking_number": "1Z34567890",
}, - "short_description": "Donation to ABC campaign",
- "state": "active",
- "status": "paid",
- "tax_amount": 35,
- "type": "goods",
- "vat_amount": 5,
- "vat_rate": 1.99,
- "discount_program_name": "Everything is 50% off",
- "tip_amount": 0,
- "api_version": "3.0"